Design for Shabby Apple

My dream is to one day have my clothing manufactured and sold in stores.  The thought of seeing a girl pass me on the streets wearing a piece that I designed would be amazing!  (I would probably make a fool of myself and tackle her down telling her how much I think she is the for wearing my clothes)

While I have a few things on the back-burner that would help me achieve this, I know that it might be a while before I have the time and resources to see this dream become a reality.  So in the meantime, I am crossing my fingers that I might get a little taste of this with the help of Shabby Apple.

I know I'm waiting till the last minute to enter, but I am submitting the following 3 skirts and 1 dress to the Shabby Apple Dare to design competition:
(I read and reread their rules and regulations on the contest and it never said anywhere that you could only submit one design, so I think I'm good to go)

 Navy Pinwheel skirt

The Pinwheel Skirt would also be available in this mustard color

The Gilded Skirt

The Lace for Days Skirt

The Lavender Love Dress

If one of my designs are chosen in their top 15, I would be so very grateful for your support (in the form of votes)!  I'll keep you posted on how things go!

And just curious, if you could pick one of these 4 designs, which one would be your favorite?
