
Last week I hit up the blogger meet and greet over at Soel Boutique with Merrick and Kayla.  It was PACKED.  Kayla and I showed up with our babies in their car seats.  We immediately ditched the car seats and just held our babes because there was seriously no room to move around.  Pretty sure my arm is still sore from holding my arm in a constant curl for two straight hours.

don't be jealous of how great this lighting is

It was fun to see all the gorg outfits and great bloggers.  And I can't even tell you how many red statement lips were in that place.  It was fun chatting it up with friends (Rachel, Annie, Alycia) and making some new ones (Bri, Liz...quite possibly my sister from another mister)
The blogging community can be a funny thing, because you feel like you are friends with people that you've never actually met, so it was great to be able to connect with people face to face.  Then you can be like, "hey! I know pretty much everything about you already, so hopefully that doesn't make me a stalker!"

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