
Bradley turned three, and I am having a hard time comprehending that age!  Three just seems so old so me.  I have entered the world of pre-school and lots and lots of the question "why?"  We got together with our weekly play group and ran those kids to the ground at Provo Beach Resort.

So we are obviously building up an army.  There were 9 boys at play group that day.  Add the 2 cooking in their mommies tummy and that makes 11!  It is so great to have a group of moms that can all recite every word to Thomas the Train along with me.

Bradley requested a "Wighting McQueen" cake for his birthday.  He had a little bit of a hard time with the fact that he couldn't play with Lightning or Francesco until we blew out the candles, but other than that he was thrilled.

Complete with a Lightning backpack and he was one happy kid.  I tried my darndest to talk him into one of these adorable ones, but I caved in and got the character backpack.  Against every fiber of my being.

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