
We decided to celebrate Christmas in our own home, just the four of us this year.  It has been so nice to just relax and focus on building forts with our boys and baking lots of high-calorie food.  We have watched more movies this break than I think I have this entire year.  Showering has been optional, and pajamas have been sported all day long.  This is what Christmas is all about.  
I am going to take a little break from the blog for a few weeks while I soak up the final precious days before Garrett starts up school again and I have to go back to doing laundry on a regular basis.  Feel free to follow along via instagram- @leannebarlow.  Especially if you like looking at pictures of food, sweats, and babies
I'll be back to the blog sometime mid-January.  Have a safe and fun New Year! 
