Today I'm giving you a peek into our Halloween decorations this year.  I wanted to keep things pretty simple, and just played up a black and white theme.  This will be a really quick and easy to transition into Thanksgiving once Halloween is over.  I could keep those white pumpkins up all year round.

The boys are really into crafts right now.  Which is fun, because that's totally up my alley.  We made simple cotton ball ghosts that were quick, easy, and not super messy (all of which are key ingredients for a good kids project).  Then I hung them across our front window.  The boys love to admire their handiwork.

When I was setting up to make the ghost, Bradley told me he wanted be filmed while they made them.  So I set up my computer really quick and caught the following gem of a video.  This is incredibly crappy quality, but here is a tutorial for the ghosts by Bradley!  (Cash giggling to himself at the beginning of the video...I could die).


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