Confession: I have never owned a high chair. For Bradley and Cash I just used a little chair that attached to one of our normal chairs and figured that was good enough. But this time around I finally got a real live high chair and it is the biggest help. I didn't know what I was missing with the other two! I opted to get the new 4moms High Chair and it has made mealtime around here so much easier. I am a huge fan of 4moms after using their mamaRoo. They thought of everything with that swing and they hit it out of the park with this high chair as well.

As a mom of three boys, so much of our day is spent in the kitchen fixing food, eating food, cleaning up food, and repeating it all an hour later. Everyone always seems to be hungry at the same time, so I'm grateful my 4moms high chair lets me hold Eli with one arm and disconnect the magnetic tray easily with the other. Magnetic. Did you guys catch that? Its absolutely as amazing as it sounds. I always multitask my way through mealtime, and this easy on easy off tray is such a help!

Sometimes when I can't feed Eli his rice cereal fast enough, he swipes the spoon from me and takes matters into his own hands. This genius magnetic tray also has a magnetic bowl, so I don't have to stress about him giving himself a rice cereal bath when I'm not looking. 

 We're all like a little Eli fan club in our house, and he gets a kick out of being able to watch his big brothers. At dinner I scoot his high chair up to our table so that he can get in on all the action. 
WHITE TOP | DISTRESSED JEANS (love these! less than $100!) | 4MOMS HIGH CHAIR c/o

I do all my feedings on the tray cover of the high chair, and disconnect it to quickly rinse it off in the sink. So no matter how messy it gets introducing Eli to prunes, cleaning up the highchair is easy. Cleaning his face and hair on the other hand, might be a different story. 

This high chair is something I actually love having in my kitchen because of its gorgeous modern design! How many baby items can you say that about? I am thrilled to be able to give one of these amazing high chairs to one of you! I've teamed up with 4moms to give one away over on my instagram (@leannebarlow) so head on over to enter to win! Make sure you are following me there and leave as many comments as you want tagging a different friend in each comment to enter! I'll announce the winner on Wednesday on that instagram post. 

in partnership with 4moms  |  photography by Kendra Maarse

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