Tuesday, July 19, 2011

exciting news...

I have some exciting news to share with you guys today...

I'm pregnant with baby #2!  I am due the end of January and just hitting the end of my first trimester.  We couldn't be more excited for this new little one to join our family of 3.

I've been suuuper nauseous so far with this pregnancy.  I wasn't sick one day with Bradley, so I'm really not used feeling this crappy.  It hits me usually around 4pm and gets progressively worse during the night.  And night is usually when I sew/blog. 

Hence - not a lot of blogging or sewing going on around here.  

I'm hoping I start feeling more myself as I head into the second trimester, cause I have a LOT of things bouncing around in my mind that I want to sew.  And I can't wait to show you some of the loot I picked up at the fabric district the other day!  But it's 10:30pm and my stomach is churning, and my bed is calling my name, so that will have to wait for another day.

oh, and p.s. - I can't even tell you how many pictures from the scarf giveaway that went directly in the trash.  I am showing way faster this time around and I'm in that middle, "is she prego or is that a gut" stage.  It's just lovely.


  1. Awwww congrats!! Thats so exciting! :)

  2. Love your blog!
    And congratulations! January babies are great :)

  3. Congratulations!
    Blessings over you and your family :)


  4. congratulations! This is so exciting!

  5. Congrats! Very exciting news.

  6. Ahhhhh!!!! Congratulations!!!! Praying the nausea slows down!!!

  7. Congratulations to you an your family!

  8. Congratulations!!!! i hope you start to feel better soon :)

  9. CONGRATS! How exciting! Hopefully you start feeling better so your ideas can make it to the blog soon! You are so great and I love your style!!! Keep it coming! You inspire me!


  10. I know I already said it on facebook, but I'm so excited for you!! Hope you start feeling better soon!

  11. Congratulations! I do remember the first part of the pregnancy being hard with a toddler to look after as well - it does get better I promise. I have two boys now that are 19 months apart, they play together all the time and it's all worth it!

  12. Congratulations! I'm due in Dec. with my first. :) Can't wait to see if you make any maternity clothes.

  13. congratulations!! that is very exciting and i love how you posted the picture to tell us the news!

  14. Congrats!! That is such exciting news!!!

  15. Congratulations on your lovely news - you will be such a cute preggo! And, all the best for this final season of morning sickness. It really does stink!

  16. Congratulations! And hey, you still look far slimmer than me in those pics, you looked fab!

  17. Are you kidding? You look fabulous! I would NEVER have known you were pregnant...

    However, the body does have baby memory and #2 shows a lot sooner than #1. I always loved that though....congratulations!

  18. congrats! so excited for your cute family!

  19. Thats so awesome! Congratulations!! Don't be ashamed of an early belly, its a beautiful, beautiful thing! I loved that time when I had such a big secret and no one really knew (as opposed to five months alter when everyone's trying to touch you! Ack!) We look forward to your maternity sewing!!

  20. Congrats! Maybe your boy is going to have a little sister? :)


  21. Thats wonderful news! I am due with baby #2 in Jan too. I love looking at the clothes patterns make and it is killing me that I can make any of them with where my body is. So I think you should make some cute maternity clothes patterns. I would love that!

  22. Congrats! That is exciting for you and your family. Hope you feel better asap. :)

    p.s. jealous of your l.a. fabric haul. looks like you got some good stuff!

  23. Congratulations : )! Try eating snacks between meals, or many small meals instead of a few larger ones, that seems to help a lot of people who feel nausea during the first trimester.

  24. Congratulations. Hope u start to feel better. I am 2 weeks to delivering my 4th. :)

  25. Congratulations! I hope you feel better soon and perhaps you'll have a maternity piece to share with us.. can always have more stylish maternity tutorials. :)

  26. Yeah! Congrats! Hope you start feeling better soon! (PS maybe it's a girl. . . . I was sick all day every day except for seven weeks around 6 months with my daughter)
