Thursday, August 4, 2011


 Last weekend, the hubs and I left Bradley with Grammy and headed up north to Solvang for a little mini-babymoon.  It was a quick trip but it was fun and relaxing.  Just what we needed.

We lounged by the pool for hours on end.  The pool is a much different experience when you aren't constantly chasing around a toddler. 

We walked our little feet off all over cute Solvang.  Then found this comfy little bench and took a cat nap....just because we could.

We ate at the most amazing Mediterranean restaurant for dinner.   Everything was fresh and homegrown.

For breakfast we stuffed ourselves with Danish pancakes, sausage, and Belgian waffle.  Top it off with a pound of orange fudge for the ride home and it made for one perfect getaway.


  1. The whole weekend sounds divine...right down to the pound of fudge! =) I wanna see the shirt you're wearing in your "nap" looks so cute but is hiding behind your hubby!

  2. Looks absolutely lovely. What a nice trip for you guys!

  3. I love Solvang. I live in L.A. and my grandma lives in San Louis Obispo so we meet there in the middle a few times a year for lunch. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Isn't Solvang just the cutest little thing you've ever seen? Love it up there.
