Tuesday, November 8, 2011

stay tuned....

I have some exciting news to share with you all tomorrow!

Here's a little hint...


  1. tags for clothing!!! are you going to start selling your clothing?

  2. If this means a clothing line is coming I'm so excited!! Can't wait to hear...

  3. Can I ask where you had the clothing tags made? My friend is looking to have clothing tags made, but hasn't found any she likes yet. These look great!

  4. Oh I cant wait! Does this mean I can order one of my favorite skirts from you!! I made to maxi skirts and love them. I would like to try some of your other patterns but dont think they will turn out nearly as cute as yours!

  5. The tags are fabulous! Where did you get them? I would love to get some for my Christmas sewing :)
