Tuesday, September 18, 2012

hospital approved

top: me, blazer: Banana Republic, jeans: J. Crew, shoes: Nordstrom Bouquet; jewelry: Michael Kors, Juicy, c/o A Beautiful Heart

I got this lightweight heather gray material at a fabric store that was going out of business in California.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it since it was so lightweight.  But after my long loose top obsession, I had my answer.  I wear this top probably more than would be socially acceptable.  But it is so soft and is easily dressed up with a blazer, or down with some comfy leggings.  It also works great if you have to throw something on last minute for a late night trip to the ER because your 3 year old threw some pens on the floor and then proceeded to fall on top of your 7 month old who stuck one of those pens in his mouth at that very moment.  


Luckily no stitches were needed and the wound is quickly healing.  But man kids can give you a heart attack sometimes! 


  1. Oh my word! Im so glad baby is alright. Indeed, that is terrifying! Cute outfit!!!

  2. cute outfit and happy that no stitches were involved and you didn't have a heart attack!

  3. Oh no! I'm glad he's okay! I love your outfit!

  4. Oh my goodness! Glad everyone is alright!
    Great outfit :)

  5. I can't even fathom the heart attack you must have felt! Glad to hear all are well.


  6. Very cute top! I'm so glad your son is all right. It's no fun to have to take a child to the hospital.

  7. Yikes that scary! I'm glad the baby is okay. The top looks awesome, I want one! Love the outfit!

  8. OMG! The way you told about that is funny indeed, but the whole story sounds terrible. As a mom of two boys, I really can say that the heart attack is the right word for that:)))

  9. Don't forget to tell us where your bag & sunglasses are from! :)

  10. How scary! I'm glad he is healing and didn't require stitches! Having two boys myself, I have had my share of unexpected emergency room visits and I'm sure I was never as stylish as you! Love that top!

  11. Will you have a tutorial for this? It's lovely!

  12. do you have a tutorial for this top?? i'd love to make my own!

  13. Oh my goodness! Give ME a heart attack! Hope the little one's alright!
    By-the-way, genius idea. Don't know why I didn't think of it before! I should buy cheap material and I'm sure I'll think of a use for it eventually! That way I save money, right? Genius...

    Chevron & Lace

  14. LOVE this top! Pretty please do a tutorial!!! I can't find long tees to wear with leggings, and it looks simple to make!

  15. Oh my! I'm so glad your baby is ok. Love how simple and classy your outfit is. Do you have a tutorial for the top?

  16. So glad the baby is okay! I agree with the other girls, please (pretty please with sugar on top) will you do a tutorial?! I need a long comfy shirt!

  17. I love that top. Do you have a tutorial for it or one similar?

  18. I realize I'm a little behind, but ... I'm also glad everyone is okay! Stitches are icky an no fun at all.

    ... and I, too, would love and appreciate a tutorial for that top!

  19. Yes, I have been looking for this all day better now than never!
