Tuesday, October 16, 2012

back from the summit

I'm almost feeling like I am caught up on sleep from the whirlwind that was Sewing Summit.  It was seriously awesome.  I met so many crazy talented women and learned a lot.  At times I am pretty sure I was the most exhausted I had ever been in my life, but it was so worth it.  It was amazing being surrounded by other women who obsess over fabric as much as I do ( I believe "fabasm" would be the correct verbage to explain this infatuation).  Other women who also can be found glued to their sewing machines at one in the morning.  I made such fast friendships in the matter of only a few days.  And got to take a nice long bubble bath in a great big luxury suite all to myself.  A bubble bath.  With water and everything.


  1. I loved your skirt class and it was super fun hanging out with you afterward for dinner and getting to know you a bit! O sewing summit... you make me miss having a gaggle of girls around to sew and play with all weekend! Back to my lonely life with no sewing friends :(

    1. It was so great getting to meet you! And you could for sure tackle the socialite skirt! I'm glad you have the courage to try another skirt!

  2. Leanne, I thoroughly enjoyed your class and I am SO proud of my maxi skirt. It's the first handmade apparel item I've made for myself that I actually want to wear in ages. I feel so proud. And I'm even considering buying a serger... You were awesome. Thanks again for your help!

    1. That is so great to hear Amy! Thank you! Sergers really are amazing.

  3. Fabasms just might be my favorite -asm!

  4. I heard your class was awesome and wish I had gotten a chance to attend it! =)
