Friday, October 26, 2012

The Maxi tutorial revisted

 Some of you might have noticed that I removed the tutorial for The Maxi skirt from my blog.  After receiving many requests for the option to purchase the skirt from readers who don't sew, I decided to move forward with manufacturing this skirt and have it be the first piece in my clothing line.  I have been so thrilled with the response and excitement over the launch of this skirt.

After having the tutorial for this skirt up for almost two years, I wasn't quite sure what to do about it now.  I thought long and hard about whether or not to remove the tutorial.  However, I recently came across this exact skirt for sale in a different shop (complete with my own personal photos), and felt pretty violated.  I want more than anything to help women make their own clothes, but I also want my clothes to be available for women who don't sew.  But what I don't want is to be taken advantage of.  For this reason, I decided to remove the free version of the The Maxi tutorial from my site.

But I still want you sewers to be able to create this skirt!  So I polished and perfected my tutorial (a LOT), and have listed a very detailed, pictured filled tutorial for The Maxi available in my Etsy shop.  I feel like this way both the sewers and the non-sewers can have access to this skirt, and I don't run the risk of being taken advantage of.  I really hope you can understand where I am coming from.  I know I can't please everyone, but that doesn't stop me from trying!


and on a lighter note, I managed to wait till the last minute for Halloween costumes I again.  But a few late nights in a row and the costumes are all complete!  Stay tuned next week to see them!  
(or just follow me on instagram and see them now: @leannebarlow )

If you don't know how to sew, or know the basics but are interested in learning more, Merrick and I have created The Modern Girl's Guide to Sewing, online sewing courses that teach you everything you need to know about clothing construction. You can take our Beginner Course or our Intermediate Course, and learn how to follow tutorials like this one! Make sure to check out!


  1. I think that's a perfectly fair trade! I'm sorry someone took advantage of your work and used your pictures. Ridiculous! I'm a bit rusty on sewing but am looking forward to getting in the groove again and will be buying your tutorial :)

  2. Good for you. It takes so much time and effort to write up tutorials, and sew projects. It makes me grumpy when people do things like that. You deserve credit for your work.

  3. That is terrible. I am so sorry that someone would do that. Fortunately I made mine when I first found your blog, so I still remember how to make it. Sometimes you have to take care of you and not worry about everyone else.
    Also, I saw your kids costumes on Instagram. They are super cute!

    1. nice long skirt, its so beautiful, specially i like a jersey fabric, i m going to book mark this and visit this blogs soon.
      Anvil US779

  4. I'm glad I got to make one (a shorter version at least) with your tutorial--it turned out great! What a bummer your work/content was stolen. I see so many nice tutorials being taken down that the nice, honest people would like to utilize. Hopefully I can recreate my skirt again if I ever need to.

  5. Love the skirt, but can't afford the tutorial. Too bad someone had to ruin it for the rest of us.

    1. Same. :( too bad I didn't make it this summer :(((. But I understand

  6. What a jerk - I can't believe someone would steal your tutorial and your pictures like that! I think that is a great compromise - offering the skirt pattern in your shop and the already made skirts as well.

    I absolutely loved your tutorial and instructions in class for the maxi skirt and look forward to trying another one of your lovely tutorials soon!

  7. I think that's a great compromise- good job for figuring that all out. And I saw an instagram photo of the costumes and they are AWESOME! Way to go!

  8. Well, that will teach me to procrastinate...Ive had my fabric washed and ready for weeks....bummer that a theif ruined this for the rest of us. But good for you to protect your work, I cant fault you at all for that!

  9. I can't believe someone stole your work along with your photos. I'm pretty sure that isn't legal and I hope that you have contacted them to let them know of your disapproval and that they need to take it down!

    1. Crazy right?! Yes, I did contact them. Thanks!

  10. What a bummer to see your work stolen. I love your tutorials. You are perfectly justified to sell your tutorial as you see fit. And your pictures are great.

  11. Shame on whomever that was. I used the original tutorial and made a skirt about a year ago. I accidentally made it too big but it got me through my pregnancy. I LOVE IT. It's wonderful. I'll wear it again next time I'm knocked up. :)

  12. YAY!!!! This makes me happy - so excited to purchase the tutorial!!!! Bummer about someone stealing your work though - that is so silly!

    Thanks for this awesome post - can't wait to make some skirts!!!

  13. Bah. I'm so late getting to reading blogs. And honestly, I'm just reading yours. :) Bummer about the skirt thing. I have to say, I LOVE the packet you gave at Sewing Summit. For some reason, the way the measurements were described just made it all make so much more sense to me (even though I'd already made a few). If I didn't already have it, I would totally buy it. Your tutorials are amazing!

  14. Taryn- thank you so much for such a kind and heartfelt comment. It really means so much to me! I found myself nodding through the whole thing (especially the part about how you can buy the cheap patterns, but then always turn to other tutorials to find out what they are really talking about!). It makes me so happy to hear that you are enjoying the world of sewing your own clothes! It is one of the most satisfying feelings. Thanks again!

  15. I'm glad you are finally reaping the financial rewards from your endeavors! You are doing the right thing.

  16. Unfortunately I hadn't taken advantage of this tutorial but I was pretty disgusted that someone did that to you. As a new mom learning to sew I LOVE your blog. You are chic, talented, and have a great eye! I hope to follow through with my future projects that your beautiful blog inspired me to do!

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