Monday, March 26, 2012

my favorite things:: Mrs. Meyers countertop spray

I love hearing about cool products.  And when I find products I love, I want to tell everyone I know about them.  So I'm starting up a fun little weekly post (or bi-weekly, or whenever I feel like posting them...don't really want to set myself up to fail) that will feature a product that I am smitten with.

Today I want to tell you how much I love Mrs. Meyers countertop spray in geranium scent.

I love that I can disinfect my kitchen and have it smell like flowers instead of chemicals.  I love Mrs Meyers products in general because they use great smelling natural essential oils, but the countertop spray is my favorite.

What cleaning products can you not live without?


  1. Bar Keepers friend! It will take those grey scratch marks off of your white sink or dishes, rust spots off of silverware. I use it for everything! It's like Soft Scrub without the bleach. I'm terrified using bleach...always afraid I'm going to ruin whatever clothes I'm wearing.
    I think I will have to try the counter top spray though!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I would love it if my kitchen smelled like geraniums (even though, admittedly, I am not sure what a geranium smells like). I cannot live without baking soda. I just learned about all its amazing capabilities!

  3. I use Mrs. Meyers Lemon Verbena. It actually makes me happy to clean!

  4. Vinegar and/or baking soda. Also lemon juice. I think those 3 can get most of the hard work done and the house not smell like chemicals. Thanks for sharing this, I'm going to keep my eyes out for it.

  5. This is my favorite too! I love the geranium scent!

  6. Swiffer sweeping pads in lavender scent. I use them on my wood and tile floors and along all of my wood furniture and moldings to capture all the dust/hair/dirt. It makes my whole house smell like lavender from just one or two sheets.

  7. Mrs. Meyer's Basil is the one I use, I haven't tried the other scents yet, but I may have to try the Geranium.

  8. Mrs. Meyers is my favorite too! I love the honeysuckle scent the best. So yum!
