Tuesday, March 27, 2012



dress: My Beloved...from Soel Boutique; cardigan: me, shoes: 9 west, purse: Tory Burch, jewelry: Juicy, Nachelle, ring is vintage from my Grandma, nails: Dark Navy by ELF 

You know when you have an idea in your head for a while and it takes you forever before you finally have the time to create it?  That's what happened with this cardigan.  I have had that navy knit and those gold buttons (both from the fabric district) for months now, with the intention of creating a cardigan.  But I guess things like pregnancy, giving birth, and an attention demanding toddler sometimes force you into a sewing hiatus.

I purchased this dress a few weeks ago.  It was a little "yay you just birthed a human" gift from the hubs.  I knew I couldn't wear it until the cardigan was complete, so I morphed myself into a baby whisperer and got both boys to sleep at the same time and pumped this sucker out.  I love the feel of this knit.  It is a little thicker than a jersey and fantastic quality.  It has a little bit of a blazer look to it, which I love.  I'm excited to incorporate it into my daily wardrobe.  It's a staple piece if I ever saw one.


  1. I just LOVE this!!!! You look so great! I wish I was as talented as you!!

    P.S. I think we have the same shoes!! (:

  2. Love this look! I am in love with yellow and blue, especially the mustardy color! Nice job!

  3. that cardi is awesome! tutorial coming soon, i hope?

  4. OMG I LOVE the whole look! The cardi is so cute :)

  5. you did this all post baby?? i might have to stop reading your blog if you're truly THAT productive ;)

  6. is the cardigan tutorial coming soon? I love it!!

  7. Hello hot mama! :) Gorgeous dress and cardigan. Are you sure you really just had a baby?! You look amazing :)

  8. I love this outfit!

  9. so lovely! those colors are amazing together.

  10. so cute leanne! i love how your cardi turned out. plus, this dress is bringing back memories of us juggling two babies in a crowded sweaty store...but so worth it for this dress! :)

  11. So cute and you look fab! xoxo A-

  12. Looooooove that dress! You look gorgeous.

  13. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! There's no way anyone would guess you just popped out a sweet little baby! You look AMAZING. And, that cardi is so cute -- I love it. I love that is resembles a blazer slightly but has the feminine quality and sweetness of a cardigan.

  14. Love the whole outfit, Leanne. You look amazing! Umm, I may have to borrow the purse:)

  15. This cardigan and this dress are amazingly gorgeous! Will you be selling this cardigan or possibly a tutorial? :)

  16. You look incredibly stylish! What I like best is how you coupled your jewelry with a clutch and your lovely golden buttons. Your cardigan is great the same as you are wearing it. I would love to have a similar one in my wardrobe (poor my:))

  17. You are looking so beautiful in this dress. Nice collection and good blog.
    Blank Apparel

  18. I can't believe you made this cardigan! Its gorgeous!

    And that dress is the perfect color to go with it!
    Super cute!!

